10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

Diurnal Variation of Particle Mass Concentration at Underground Subway Tunnel near the Platform

Sang-Hee Woo, Jong Bum Kim, GWI-NAM BAE, Moon Se Hwang, Hwa Hyun Yoon, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea

     Abstract Number: 1082
     Working Group: Indoor Aerosols

Metal particles are known to be generated by train wheels and rail or pantograph and electric wire friction during train operation (Aarnio et al., 2005; Salma et al., 2007). Subway particles are more toxic and higher concentrated than urban street particles (Johansson and Johansson 2003; Kalsson et al. 2005). These metal particles have adverse health effect to passengers and workers (Johansson and Johansson 2003; Aarnio et al., 2005). Therefore, many measurements of particulate matter were made in the subway environment (Johansson and Johansson 2003; Aarnio et al., 2005; Salma et al., 2007; Midander et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2017). According to worldwide studies, PM10 and PM2.5 in subway platforms and inside train were 41-469 µg/m3 and 21-258 µg/m3, respectively. Most of them were over WHO 24-hour and annual air quality guideline of 50 and 25 µg/m3, respectively. Generally, tunnel has higher concentration than platform, because tunnel was direct sources of particle contamination (Jung et al., 2010). However, characteristic of particle concentration at underground subway tunnel have not been understood well.

In this study, particle concentration was measured in every 2 seconds at subway underground tunnel near the platform. Measurement was made at tunnel adjacent Janhanpyeong station platform, Seoul Metro Line 5, Republic of Korea. Time-series data was analyzed by subway operation. The particle concentration was increased proportionally to the frequency of subway operation. However, it showed a fluctuation due to complex induced airflow by train movement. This pattern of particle mass concentration variation in the tunnel near the platform was different from that in the middle tunnel conducted by authors. Unlike the middle tunnel, opposite side train effect was shown in tunnel near the platform. Similar to the middle tunnel pattern, diurnal variation of particle mass concentration could be predicted by the pattern of particle mass concentration caused by train operation.

This work was supported by research grants for the Railway Technology Research Project from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Republic of Korea (18RTRP-B0882486-05).

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