10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

A Gas-Inlet Design for Aircraft Sampling

DA YANG, Suresh Dhaniyala, Meilu He, Clarkson University

     Abstract Number: 1259
     Working Group: Clouds and Climate

Particle rejection inlets are critical for accurate sampling of gas-phase compounds from aircraft. Traditionally, a rear-facing inlet design has been used for gas-phase sampling from aircraft. Rear-facing inlets, however, sample largely from the boundary layer of the external structure of the inlet and, thus, their measurements are likely to be compromised by the interaction of the sample gas with the cold walls of the inlet. As an alternative, we investigate the use of a side-facing inlet for gas-phase sampling. These inlets can minimize wall contact of the sampled gas, while also minimizing the largest size of the particles that will be brought in along with the gas sample. We use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling along with wind-tunnel testing to investigate the relation between the large particle size sampled, wall-loss of reactive gas species, and operating conditions. The simulations will be used to identify optimal operating conditions relevant for sampling from NCAR aircraft (GV and C-130). In our presentation, we will detail the inlet design process and describe the approach to calculate gas-phase loss and particle sampling efficiencies and identify the ideal inlet operating conditions.