10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

Off-line Analysis of Cloud Water Samples compared to On-line Measurements of Below-Cloud Aerosol Composition: Inferring Cloud Processing Impacts on Organic Aerosol

SARA LANCE, Jie Zhang, Amy Christiansen, Annmarie Carlton, Paul Casson, James Schwab, ASRC, University at Albany, SUNY

     Abstract Number: 1582
     Working Group: Carbonaceous Aerosol

Aqueous chemical processing within cloud and fog water has been identified as a key process in the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mass, which is found abundantly throughout the troposphere. Yet, significant uncertainty remains regarding the organic chemical reactions taking place within clouds to produce SOA and the conditions under which those reactions occur.

Routine long-term observations from the Whiteface Mountain (WFM) Research Observatory in upstate NY provide a broad regional view of air quality, where important historical measurements of secondary aerosol formation have been made, focusing on inorganic chemical reactions leading to acid rain deposition. The site is also well-suited for the study of SOA formation within clouds, as the summit of WFM intercepts clouds roughly 50% of the time throughout the summer and the site is deep within the Adirondacks where it is generally undisturbed by local sources. An NSF-funded workshop in Sept 2016 brought together key researchers at WFM to lay out the most pertinent scientific questions relevant to heterogeneous chemistry occurring within fogs and clouds. The workshop culminated in a plan to coordinate chemical analyses of cloud water samples specifically focusing on the organic component. Workshop participants also recommended a pilot study at the WFM to better characterize the meteorological conditions, airflow patterns and clouds intercepting the site for future intensive field operations.

This talk will highlight observations from the 2017 pilot study at WFM, with a focus on off-line chemical analyses of cloud water samples collected at the summit and comparisons to on-line measurements of the below-cloud aerosol composition.