10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

Optical and Thermal Measurements and Source Apportionment of TC, BC, OC, EC and CM with High Time-resolution and Comparison to Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

MARTIN RIGLER, Irena Jezek, Drinovec Luka, Janja Tursic, Kranjc Irena, Glojek Kristina, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Valerie Gros, Olivier Favez, David Green, Athanasia Vlachou, Christoph Hueglin, Yandong Tong, Giulia Stefenelli, Jay G. Slowik, Andre S.H. Prévôt, Anthony D.A Hansen, Grisa Mocnik, Aerosol d.o.o.

     Abstract Number: 756
     Working Group: Carbonaceous Aerosol

Recently developed TC-BC online method, which combines an optical method for measuring black carbon (BC) by the Aethalometer AE33, and a thermal method for total carbon (TC) determination by the Total Carbon Analyzer TCA08 was used for source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols with high time resolution at several measuring sites around the world. TC-BC method determines organic carbon (OC) fraction of carbonaceous aerosols as OC = TC - b·BC, where b·BC is equivalent to elemental carbon (EC). The determined proportionality parameter b is region/site specific and depends to a large extent on a thermal protocol used to determine the EC fraction with the conventional OC/EC method.

TCA08 measures concentration of TC by a rapid combustion of carbonaceous matter (CM) collected on a quartz filter. Pulse of CO2 which is created during combustion phase of the analysis is detected as a large transient increase above the CO2 level in the ambient air used as the carrier gas. Simplicity of the analysis allow us to have high time resolution measurement and easier field deployment of the instrument as no high purity gases are needed.

TC-BC method was validated by comparing averaged high time resolved data of AE33 and TCA08 to a conventional OC/EC analysis on 24h filters using different thermal protocols (IMPROVE, NIOSH, EUSAAR2 in the following winter campaigns in Europe, Asia and N. America: Ljubljana (SI), urban background site; Loški Potok (SI), rural; Milano (IT), urban background, Paris (FR), urban background; London (UK), urban background; Zurich (CH), urban background; Magadino (CH), rural; Beijing (CN), urban; New Delhi (IN), urban; Los Angeles (CA, US), urban; Additionally, parallel measurements with aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) allowed us to obtain hourly comparison of OMAMS to OCTC-BC.