10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

Responses of Mixed-Phase Cloud Condensates and Cloud Radiative Effects to Ice Nucleating Particle Distributions in DOE E3SM model

YANG SHI, Xiaohong Liu, Mingxuan Wu, Kai Zhang, University of Wyoming

     Abstract Number: 980
     Working Group: Unraveling the Many Facets of Ice Nucleating Particles and Their Interactions with Clouds

Mixed-phase clouds frequently observed in the Arctic and mid-latitude storm tracks have substantial impacts on the global energy budget, precipitation, and climate. In this study, we first implement two empirical ice nucleation parameterizations (Niemand et al. 2012 and DeMott et al. 2015) in the DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 and version 0 (E3SM v1 and v0). For both of the two model versions, model simulated ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations using Niemand et al. and DeMott et al. are compared with the simulation using default classical-nucleation-theory-based ice nucleation scheme (CNT). We find that Niemand et al. presents significantly higher (a factor of 3) INP concentrations than DeMott et al. and CNT near the dust source regions. Moreover, because of the more efficient aerosol (dust) transport to the Polar Regions, E3SM v1 shows around 100 times more INP than E3SM v0 at the Arctic regions for all of the three parameterizations. This also causes a 20% difference in liquid water path and a 10% difference in cloud radiative forcing (shortwave and longwave) in the Arctic regions between the three ice nucleation shcemes in E3SM v1, which are not seen in E3SM v0. Finally, the dust burdens from E3SM v1 and v0 are compared with CALIPSO data and the surface observation at the Alert station in Canada.