American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission
AAAR 31st Annual Conference
October 8-12, 2012
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Nanoparticles and Materials Synthesis
A Cost-Effective Method of Aerosolizing Dry Powdered Nanomaterials.
Andrea Tiwari, LINSEY MARR, Caleb Fields,
Virginia Tech
A Novel Method for Bacteria Inactivation Using Engineered Water Nanostructures.
GEORGIOS PYRGIOTAKIS, James McDevitt, Toshiyuki Yamauchi, Yosuke Mitsuyama, Philip Demokritou,
Harvard University
A Novel Method to Measure Effective Density of Engineered Nanomaterials in Liquid Suspensions: Implications for In Vitro Dosimetry and Nanotoxicology.
Glen DeLoid, Joel Cohen, PHILIP DEMOKRITOU,
Harvard University
A Safer Formulation Concept for Flame-Generated Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs).
Samuel Gass, GEORGIOS PYRGIOTAKIS, Joel Cohen, Georgios A. Sotiriou, Sotiris E. Pratsinis, Philip Demokritou,
Harvard University
Aero-Sol-Gel Processing of Porous TiO2 Nanoparticles and Their Photovoltaic Properties in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.
KOOK JOO MOON, Ji Young Ahn, Ji Hoon Kim, Soo H. Kim,
Pusan National University
Aerosol-Gel Synthesis of Pt-Based Catalysts for Hydrocarbon-Based Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitrogen Mono-Oxide.
RIYAN ZAHAF, Jae Wook Jung, Dudi Adi Firmansyah, Yongho Kim, Donggeun Lee,
Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea
Comparison of Release Profiles of Drug-Loaded PLGA Polymer Particles in Well-Mixed and Encapsulated Forms.
Washington University in St. Louis
Fabrication of Micron Sized Porous Silicon Particles from Silicon Kerf Loss.
HEE DONG JANG, Dae-Sup Kil, Hankwon Chang,
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Green Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticle for Reference Material.
Center for Measurement Standards, ITRI, Taiwan
Highly Efficient Pt-TiO2 Nanostructured Films for CO2 Conversion to Hydrocarbon Fuels.
WEI-NING WANG, Woo-Jin An, Balavinayagam Ramalingam, Somik Mukherjee, Dariusz M. Niedzwiedzki, Shubhra Gangopadhyay, Pratim Biswas,
Washington University in St. Louis
Improvement of Amorphous Silica Encapsulation Efficiencies on Welding Fume Particles.
JUN WANG, Jianying Guan, Alex Theodore, Jessica Sharby, Chang-Yu Wu, Kathleen Paulson, Omar Es-Said,
University of Florida
In situ Ambient Pressure XPS Investigations of PdAg Alloy Nanoparticles: Towards Cheaper Catalysts.
MARIA E MESSING, Sara Blomberg, Natalia M Martin, Johan Gustafson, Jesper Andersen, Lars Erik Walle, Anne Borg, Henrik Grönbeck, Michael E Grass, Zhi Liu, Edvin Lundgren, Knut Deppert,
Lund University
Inhibition of Thermal Charging of Gold Nanoparticles by Surface Modification.
CHI-TUNG CHIANG, Jeffrey Roberts,
Purdue University
Laser-Plasma Synthesis of Sb Nanoparticles.
A.M. Baklanov, O.V. BOROVKOVA, G.N. Grachev, A.A. Onischuk, A.L. Smirnov, M.I. Zimin,
Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk
Low-Temperature Hydrolysis of AlCl3 Vapor in an Aerosol Reactor to Produce Spherical Preforms for Ceramic-Grade Alumina.
HOEY KYUNG PARK, Kyun Young Park, Kyeong Youl Jung,
Kongju National University, South Korea
Monodisperse Poly(lactide–co–glycolic acid)–based Nanocarriers for Gene Transfection.
JEONG HOON BYEON, Jeffrey Roberts,
Department of Chemistry, Purdue University
Multi-jet Electrospinning with High-Throughput Using a Coaxial Grooved Nozzle and Two Fluids.
INYONG PARK, Woojin Kim, Sang Soo Kim,
Near-field Electrospray Printing of Polymer Derived Ceramics.
CHENG LI, Hongxu Duan, Weiwei Yang, Johan Rodriguez, Brandon Lojewski, Linan An, Weiwei Deng,
University of Central Florida
Preparation of Novel SiC and Carbon Nanostructures by Induction Heating of Preceramic Silicon-Carbon Nanoparticles.
ANNA LÄHDE, Mirella Miettinen, Jouni Hokkinen, Tommi Karhunen, Unto Tapper, Jorma Jokiniemi,
University of Eastern Finland
Synthesis of Nanostructured Metal Oxide Films by Electrospray Deposition of Nanoparticles.
JUSTIN TANG, Alessandro Gomez,
Yale University
Synthesis of Spherical Mesoporous Silica Particles by Spray Pyrolysis from Aqueous Silicic Acid.
HANKWON CHANG, Jin Woo Lee, Hee Dong Jang, Dae-Sup Kil, Jeong Woo Choi,
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
The Sintering Rate of Aerosol Nanoparticles.
Beat Buesser, Arto Groehn, SOTIRIS E. PRATSINIS,
ETH Zurich
To Maximize Triple-Phase Interfaces Between Fuel, Electrolyte, and Electrode of Direct Coal Fuel Cell Through CeO2 Coating.
CHENGGUO LI, Donggeun Lee,
Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea
Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Synthesis of Ag-Ce Co-modified TiO2 Nanocomposites for Syngas Production Under Solar Irradiation.
Daniel Pitts, Cunyu Zhao, Huilei Zhao, Lianjun Liu, YING LI,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee