AAAR 31st Annual Conference
October 8-12, 2012
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Abstract View
The Potential of Bio-nanoparticles as Standard Reference Materials for Mobility Calibration
MINGDONG LI, Suvajyoti Guha, George Mulholland, Michael Zachariah, University of Maryland, College Park
Abstract Number: 444 Working Group: Instrumentation and Methods
Abstract Nanotoxicology studies, nanobiotechnology research and aerosol technology studies are often restricted by a lack of accurate physical and chemical characterizations of the nanoparticles under study. One such attribute is accurate determination of the particle size. Standard reference materials with accurate and precise size characterization play a key role for attaining comparability of results among laboratories. Commonly used reference materials are PSL nanoparticles and gold nanospheres. However, we have found that some stable bio-nanoparticles such as some viruses, are more monodispersed, and highly concentrated than some current standard reference particles. These highly-duplicated bio-nanoparticles have the potential to be new standard reference materials.