AAAR 31st Annual Conference
October 8-12, 2012
Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Abstract View
Oligomer-like Aerosol Formation from the Reactions of Secondary and Tertiary Amines with Hydroxyl and Nitrate Radicals
DEREK PRICE, Xiaochen Tang, David R. Cocker III, Kathleen Purvis-Roberts, Philip Silva, University of California, Riverside
Abstract Number: 541 Working Group: Aerosol Chemistry
Abstract Emissions of aliphatic amines are common near agricultural facilities such as animal feed lots. Determining the reactions of these amines with common atmospheric radicals is important to understanding both daytime and nighttime atmospheric chemistry. A series of smog chamber experiments were conducted in which aliphatic tertiary and secondary amines were reacted with either hydroxyl radical (OH) or nitrate radical (NO$_3) in both dry and humid conditions. Chemical composition of the aerosol products was obtained with a High Resolution Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) and a Particle Into Liquid Sampler Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (PILS-ToF-MS). A number of mass spectra showed highly oxidized fragments at much higher mass than the amine precursor. It is proposed that these larger compounds were formed through peroxy radical reactions with hydrogen rearrangement. Another reaction pathway observed was the formation of amine salts. While previous studies have focused on the production of amine salts, this study looks at the importance of peroxy radical reactions to the formation of secondary organic aerosol.