American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission

AAAR 32nd Annual Conference
September 30 - October 4, 2013
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon, USA

Abstracts by Michael Yermakov

Outdoor and Indoor Exposure to Traffic Aerosols at Schools: Effect of Anti-idling Campaign. SERGEY A. GRINSHPUN, Jin Yong Kim, Michael Yermakov, Tiina Reponen, Chris Schaffer, Patrick Ryan, University of Cincinnati

Survival of Aerosolized Simulants of Bacillus Anthracis Exposed to Combustion Products of Novel Halogen-Containing Reactive Metals. SERGEY A. GRINSHPUN, Michael Yermakov, Reshmi Indugula, Xinjian He, Tiina Reponen, Edward Dreizin, Mirko Schoenitz, Shasha Zhang, Y. Aly, University of Cincinnati