Abstracts by Charles Blanchard
Chemical Climatology of the Southeastern United States, 1999-2013. George Hidy, CHARLES BLANCHARD, Karsten Baumann, Eric Edgerton, Stephanie Shaw, Eladio Knipping, John Jansen, Shelley Tanenbaum, Justin Walters, Ivar Tombach, Envair
Radiocarbon Measurements of PM2.5 Total Carbon and Elemental Carbon from Centreville, AL during the SOAS Field Study. ERIC EDGERTON, Yanlin Zhang, Soenke Szidat, Andre Prévôt, Stephanie Shaw, John Jansen, Karsten Baumann, Charles Blanchard, Atmospheric Research & Analysis
The Impact of Emissions from Mobile Sources and Biomass Burning on Ambient PM2.5 EC and OC in the SEARCH Network, 1999 - 2013. CHARLES BLANCHARD, George Hidy, Envair