Abstracts by X.H. Hilda Huang
Impact of Secondary Organic Aerosol Tracers on Tracer-based Source Apportionment of Organic Carbon and PM2.5: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta, China. Qiongqiong Wang, Xiao He, X.H. Hilda Huang, Stephen Griffith, Yongming Feng, Ting Zhang, Qingyan Zhang, Dui Wu, JIAN ZHEN YU, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Synthesis of Four Monoterpene-derived Organosulfates and their Quantification in Atmospheric Aerosol Samples. YUCHEN WANG, Jingyun Ren, X.H. Hilda Huang, Rongbiao Tong, Jianzhen Yu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology