Abstracts by Tim Gordon
Ambient Aerosol Extinction in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. TIM GORDON, Gavin McMeeking, Jim Renfro, Ethan McClure, Anthony Prenni, Timothy Onasch, Andrew Freedman, Ping Chen, Handix Scientific
Characterization of Miniaturized Aerosol Spectrometer for Unmanned Aerial System Application. FAN MEI, Hagen Telg, Gavin McMeeking, Tim Gordon, Joree Sandin, Mikhail Pekour, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Organic Emission Profiles for Gasoline, Gas-turbine and Diesel Engines Using the Volatility Basis Set. QUANYANG LU, Yunliang Zhao, Albert Presto, Tim Gordon, Andrew May, Allen Robinson, Carnegie Mellon University