Abstracts by Rishabh Shah
Contrasting the Oxidation Behavior of Aerosols in Urban and Rural Locations. RISHABH SHAH, Kalliopi Florou, Albert A. Presto, Carnegie Mellon University
Investigating Spatial Variation in Organic Aerosol Concentrations and Source Impact in a Metropolitan Area by Mobile Sampling with Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. PEISHI GU, Zhongju Li, Qing Ye, Ellis Shipley Robinson, Jiqiao Shi, Rishabh Shah, Naomi Zimmerman, Joshua Apte, Allen Robinson, Albert A. Presto, Carnegie Mellon University
Reduced New Particle Formation in Urban Air due to Anthropogenic Emissions Reductions. PROVAT SAHA, Ellis Shipley Robinson, Rishabh Shah, Naomi Zimmerman, Joshua Apte, Albert Presto, Allen Robinson, Carnegie Mellon University
Restaurant Impacts on Outdoor Air Quality: Elevated Organic Aerosol Mass from Restaurant Cooking with Neighborhood-scale Plume Extents. ELLIS SHIPLEY ROBINSON, Peishi Gu, Rishabh Shah, Zhongju Li, Qing Ye, Naomi Zimmerman, Joshua Apte, Allen Robinson, Albert Presto, Carnegie Mellon University