10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

A Clinic Table to Prevent Aerosol Transmission Based on Wind Curtain

HUA QIAN, Jin Ye, Jichen Ji, Xiaohong Zheng, Southeast University

     Abstract Number: 1253
     Working Group: Bioaerosols

Aerosols transmission is a main vehicle of respiratory infectious diseases. Literatures showed that the risk of droplet borne and airborne is much higher than long range airborne. The fact encourages us to find a way to cut off short range droplet borne and air borne routes. However, traditional partition method also cut the information exchange route and bring unpleasant feeling of patients. That method is not suitable to use in clinic table, where doctor need to identify diseases through asking and observing infectious diseases.

Based on win curtain technology, a clinic table to prevent aerosol transmission diseases was proposed. Computation fluid dynamics (CFD) was employed to verify the performance of the clinic table and optimize the parameters of the clinic table. Velocity field, temperature field , contaminants concentration field, and dispersion of aerosol was investigated for different parameters of the clinic table. Results showed that the table was very efficient to cut off the aerosol transmitted route. The exposure of doctor to the patients with wind curtain is less one tenth than that without wind curtain. The optimized wind speed is 3m/s. The reason better than 2m/s is due to strong wind is better to cut off the routes. The reason better than 4m/s is due to jet entrainment. And the optimized supplied angle is 20o.