10th International Aerosol Conference September 2 - September 7, 2018 America's Center Convention Complex St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Abstract View
Experimental Studies on the Charge Distribution of Aerosol Particles from a Fluidized Bed Aerosol Generator
QUN ZHOU, Cai Liang, Lunbo Duan, Xiaoping Chen, Daoyin Liu, Changsui Zhao, School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University
Abstract Number: 1291 Working Group: Aerosol Physics
Abstract Fluidized beds have been used for generation of aerosols in many applications for many decades.However,aerosols obtained high level electrostatic charge and different polarity charge as a result of continuous particle-particle and particle-generator wall contacts will result in agglomeration and their severely adhesion on the wall.It is necessary to see into the electrostatic charging mechanism in the fluidized bed aerosol generator.In this study,particles of different materials were fluidized in a 0.1 m in diameter column under atmospheric conditions for 1h,the size distribution,net charge and charge distribution of particles in different region(bulk region and wall region) were determined by an online Faraday cup measurement technique and wind sifting method.We founded that positively and negatively charged particles both existed within each region,and revealed the relationship between particle charge distribution and its size distribution.A new mechanism was proposed to explain the charged particle migration towards the column wall.