10th International Aerosol Conference
September 2 - September 7, 2018
America's Center Convention Complex
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Abstract View

Theory for the Glory. Extensions of the Surface Wave Mechanism

CHEYNE WEIS, Christopher Sorensen, Kansas State University

     Abstract Number: 789
     Working Group: Aerosol Physics

The optical phenomena of the glory has been explained in terms of the interference of beams emanating from surface waves from diametrically opposite sides of a spherical particle. This explanation clearly predicts a linear correlation between phase angle of the first maximum in intensity nearest to the back direction and the size parameter. We find a limitation to the refractive indices where this surface wave mechanism is viable, and then demonstrate through the Mie Solution that the correlation continues outside this domain, and then gradually deviates as the refractive index increases. For these larger refractive indices we then give an alternative mechanism based on ray optics (with no surface waves) possible at refractive indices above the square root of two that predicts the same functionality. Our non-surface wave glory, while of interest in itself, might have use for explaining the enhanced scattering that occurs for many non-spherical particles that occur in nature.