AAAR 37th Annual Conference October 14 - October 18, 2019 Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, USA
Abstract View
Development of Furan Oxidation Mechanism from OH and NO3 Oxidation within Biomass-Burning Regimes via Chamber Experiments
BENJAMIN BROWN-STEINER, Matthew Alvarado, Nga Lee Ng, Taekyu Joo, AER
Abstract Number: 144 Working Group: Biomass Combustion: Emissions, Chemistry, Air Quality, Climate, and Human Health
Abstract We present the preliminary development of a furan oxidation mechanism within the Aerosol Simulation Program (ASP) based on laboratory chamber experiments at the Georgia Tech Environmental Chamber (GTEC) facility. ASPv2.2 is a young biomass burning plume chemical mechanism that contains over 600 chemical species that merges portions of the MCMv3.2 with portions of RACM2. Furan species found within biomass burning plumes, especially furfural and methylfurans, are quickly oxidized by OH and NO3, but there remain many uncertainties as to their oxidation products, their reaction rates, their branching ratios, and their ultimate impact on O3 and Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOAs). The CTEC chamber experiments, which use a High Resolution Time-of-Flight Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-CIMS) coupled with a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO) for the real-time measurement of oxidation products, are designed to determine the furan oxidation products and the O3 and SOA production under a range of biomass burning chemical regimes by testing different NOx levels (to simulate different NOx:VOC ratios), relative humidity, and temperature conditions. We compare the existing ASPv2.2 furan oxidation scheme with a complex NOAA-derived furan oxidation mechanism and, constrained by the results of the chamber experiments, present proposed updates and constrains to the ASP furan oxidation mechanism, as well as potential simplified furan oxidation mechanisms.