American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission

AAAR 38th Annual Conference
October 5 - October 9, 2020

Virtual Conference

Abstracts by Claire Robinson

Airborne Observations of Aerosol Properties in Southeast Asia: Overview of Emissions, Cloud Processing, and Long Range Transport during NASA CAMP2Ex. LUKE ZIEMBA, Ewan Crosbie, Claire Robinson, Michael Shook, Edward Winstead, Jian Wang, Josh DiGangi, Glenn Diskin, Allison Collow, Arlindo Da Silva, Richard Ferrare, Chris Hostetler, NASA Langley Research Center

An Overview of NASA Langley Aerosol Research Group (LARGE) Airborne Measurements during the 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Campaign. RICHARD MOORE, Elizabeth Wiggins, Claire Robinson, Kenneth Thornhill, Edward Winstead, Kevin Sanchez, Luke Ziemba, Bruce Anderson, John Barrick, Matthew Brown, Gao Chen, Ewan Crosbie, Carolyn Jordan, Taylor Shingler, Michael Shook, NASA

Biomass Burning Particle Emission Factors and Size Distributions Measured during FIREX-AQ. ELIZABETH WIGGINS, Richard Moore, Claire Robinson, Edward Winstead, Amber Soja, Emily Gargulinski, NASA

Coupling Online Conductivity with Offline Ion Chromatography Measurements using the Particle-into-Liquid Sampler. EWAN CROSBIE, Michael Shook, Luke Ziemba, Taylor Shingler, Bruce Anderson, Claire Robinson, Edward Winstead, Armin Sorooshian, Connor Stahl, Alexander B. MacDonald, Rachel Braun, SSAI

Linking Upwind Marine Biological and Meteorological Processes to Local Marine Particle Concentrations With Flexpart. KEVIN SANCHEZ, Bo Zhang, Hongyu Liu, Michael Shook, Ewan Crosbie, Luke Ziemba, Matthew Brown, Claire Robinson, Taylor Shingler, Kenneth Thornhill, Edward Winstead, Bruce Anderson, Chris Hostetler, Georges Saliba, Chia-Li Chen, Savannah Lewis, Lynn Russell, Michael Behrenfeld, Richard Moore, NASA

Observations of Aerosol Absorption and Attribution to Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, and Coating Enhancement in Wildfire Smoke during the FIREX-AQ Mission. NICK WAGNER, Adam Ahern, Charles Brock, Daniel Murphy, Ming Lyu, Joshua P. Schwarz, Joseph Katich, Anne Perring, Braden Mediavilla, Richard Moore, Elizabeth Wiggins, Rodney J. Weber, Linghan Zeng, Jack Dibb, Eric Scheuer, Edward Winstead, Claire Robinson, CU CIRES - NOAA ESRL