American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission

AAAR 38th Annual Conference
October 5 - October 9, 2020

Virtual Conference

Abstracts by David R. Cocker III

Formation of Highly Oxygenated Molecules and Nitro Aromatic Compounds from the Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol. MOHAMMED JAOUI, Havala Pye, Karl Seltzer, Kenneth S. Docherty, Michael Lewandowski, David R. Cocker III, Sophia Charan, Reina Buenconsejo, John Seinfeld, Tadeusz Kleindienst, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Improved Prediction of Near Roadside Vehicle Emissions from PEMS and Laboratory Measurements. AYLA MORETTI, David R. Cocker III, Matthew Barth, University of California, Riverside

Improving the Representation of Secondary Organic Aerosol from VCP Sources in Air Quality Models. SREEJITH SASIDHARAN, Qi Li, David R. Cocker III, Mackenzie Humes, Albert Presto, Neil Donahue, Jo Machesky, Drew Gentner, Jeffrey R. Pierce, Shantanu Jathar, Colorado State University

Inter-comparison of Particle Wall Loss Among UCR Chambers and Caltech Chamber. CHEN LE, Don Collins, David R. Cocker III, University of California, Riverside

Investigating the Formation of Primary and Secondary Aerosols from Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs) Using Smog Chamber. SAHAR GHADIMI, Hanwei Zhu, David R. Cocker III, Thomas D. Durbin, Georgios Karavalakis, University of California, Riverside

Modification and Optimization on Environmental Chamber Experiments of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from LVP-VOCs and Volatile Consumer Products to Improve Model Prediction. QI LI, Sophia Charan, Reina Buenconsejo, John Seinfeld, David R. Cocker III, University of California, Riverside

Optical and Microphysical Properties of Aerosols Emitted from a Marine Engine. NILOFAR RAEOFY, Justin Dingle, Roya Bahreini, Andrew Metcalf, Gavin McMeeking, Tony Hansen, Yu Jiang, Jiacheng Yang, Kevin Thomson, Stephanie Gagne, Tak Chan, Jacob Swanson, Heejung Jung, Georgios Karavalakis, David R. Cocker III, Thomas D. Durbin, Wayne Miller, Kent Johnson, University of California, Riverside

Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Oxidation of Camphene. QI LI, Jia Jiang, Isaac Afreh, Kelley Barsanti, David R. Cocker III, University of California, Riverside