Abstract View
Job Interest: Industry Research Scientist (instrumentation or instrumentation development), or Aerosol Chemistry Postdoc
SABRINA CHEE, University of California, Irvine
Abstract Number: 628
Working Group: Meet the Job Seekers
My PhD research has focused on understanding the mechanism and contribution of acid-base reactive uptake on the formation and growth of nanoparticles (<30 nm). I have authored one first-author paper (three first-authors expected by graduation), and four other papers where I am coauthor. I have measured the composition of salt particles from 8 - 30 nm, where two trends have surfaced: one where the size-resolved acid:base ratio does not reflect expected stoichiometric values (e.g., 1 sulfuric acid per 2 bases), and one where they do. These properties of salt nanoparticles are important because their pH will affect downstream particle-phase and surface reactions in these young particles. My goal by the end of my PhD is to provide some level of prediction for models for whether a particle with given acid/base constituents will follow one of these two trends.I am looking for a hands-on job where I can apply my instrumentation skills to a research problem, or develop an instrument for a research problem. I am experienced with troubleshooting and fixing aerosol characterization equipment, including quadrupole-CIMS, vacuum pumps, electrical mobility particle classifiers (APS, DMA, CPC), LC-MS (reverse-phase and normal phase), aerosol impaction collectors (S3, MOUDI), and ion chromatograph conductivity detection. I have written >15 data analysis functions in Igor Pro to streamline pulling data from files, averaging size distributions, normalizing mass spectra, and other applications. I can read LabView and Python code but am not fluent. I really enjoy working with instrumentation and am happy to learn new tools, techniques, and data analysis!Current Position: PhD CandidateExpected Graduation: June 2021Geographic Region: CA or WA, preferably Bay Area, CAContact Info: schee@uci.edu, www.linkedin.com/in/skychee