Brianna Hendrickson, Ph.D. Candidate Pursuing an Industry Career or Postdoctoral Research Position


     Abstract Number: 588
     Working Group: Meet the Job Seekers

I am currently a fifth year Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University with Dr. Sarah D. Brooks. My research interests include aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), ice nucleating particles (INPs), air-sea interactions with the sea surface microlayer (SML), aerosol instrumentation, pollen grain rupture, and dispersal of subpollen particles (SPPs). I have conducted research in the field for the NASA North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES). During these field campaigns, I led the operation of online aerosol instruments measuring aerosol concentration, size distribution, and cloud-forming properties as well as collection of aerosol filters and SML samples for offline analysis. With these measurements, I analyzed the role of SML properties in cloud formation. Currently, I am characterizing atmospheric conditions needed for pollen grain rupture, quantifying SPP emissions from a pollen grain, and determining the effects on human health and climate from pollen grains and SPPs. To address these objectives, I constructed a chamber to analyze various species of anemophilous plants. Environmental conditions were controlled inside the chamber with the plant to evaluate SPP release using instruments measuring the concentration of aerosol produced. Emission factors were then determined. Additional laboratory experiments examined the role of SPPs and pollen grains in ice nucleation. SPP emission factors and INP concentrations will be incorporated into a regional modeling framework to explore the potential for SPPs and pollen grains to influence health and cloud formation. I am anticipating graduation in December 2022. I am interested in working either in industry or in a postdoctoral research position. I am research focused and would continue experimentation and data collection during laboratory or field work. I am focused on finding an opportunity to work for an instrumentation company in research and development where my experience with aerosol instrumentation will be applicable.