Making Aerosol Precautions for COVID-19 More Easily Accessible and Affordable to Everyone

Sathyaraj Devabhaktuni, Sonam Devabhaktuni, DEVABHAKTUNI SRIKRISHNA, Patient Knowhow, Inc.

     Abstract Number: 608
     Working Group: Indoor Aerosols

Children had to return to school amidst multiple waves during the COVID-19 pandemic, often without access to aerosol safety measures, in part due to the knowledge of aerosol transmission and precautions being difficult to understand and/or costly. During the pandemic our team sought to develop scientific education and affordable solutions for reducing aerosol transmission at an elementary school. Our 9-year old team member developed a concise, scientific communication presentation on "aerosols and droplets" that was liked and shared over 3000 times around the world ( Air filtration in our school was improved to 5 to 8 air exchanges per hour in classrooms, eating areas, library, and auditorium using a combination of HEPA and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) air purifiers based on our peer-reviewed publication ( In this poster we will explain our efforts during the pandemic to make aerosol precautions for COVID-19 more easily accessible and affordable to everyone.