Impact of Urban Air Quality on Health Studied at the Laboratory with the POLLURISK Platform: Preliminary Results of Innovative Studies of the H2020 REMEDIA Program

PATRICE COLL, Sophie Lanone, Marion Blayac, Zhuyi Lu, Clement Buissot, Celine Yegen, Elie Al Marj, Juan Camilo Macias Rodriguez, Lucy Gerard, Aline Gratien, Mathieu Cazaunau, Cécile Gaimoz, Edouard Pangui, Antonin Bergé, Servanne Chevaillier, Gael Noyalet, Thomas Bertin, Inès Louison, Stephane Jamain, Audrey Der Vartanian, Laurent Boyer, Frederic Relaix, Geneviève Derumeaux, Emeric Cossart, Jean-François Doussin, LISA UMR CNRS 7583, France

     Abstract Number: 649
     Working Group: Health-Related Aerosols

Taking benefit of the PolluRisk platform (described in a section of this poster), we report here first biological/toxicological results regarding exposure of preclinical models to complex simulated atmospheric environments, representative of urban environments as Paris or Beijing ones.

Following ethics guidelines, we exposed different murine models to simulated complex (aerosol and gas phases) atmospheres (Beijing-like or Paris-like) for durations from 48h to 7 days, and compared their biological response to that of murine models exposed to a reference atmosphere. We are particularly interested by the impact of such exposures on lung physiology (in the context of health or disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cystic fibrosis, at all life-stages), as well as muscular, cardiometabolic and digestive alterations.

Methodology and Results
We have developed a platform, named PolluRisk (Coll et al., 2018), that allows simulating for days the atmospheric phases (gases and aerosols) similar to those of cities like Paris, Beijing, etc. It is mainly resulting from the coupling of an atmospheric simulation chamber to exposure devices able to host preclinical models (isolators from Noroit® company). We also developed protocols for the exposure of murine models to the state-of-the-art urban atmospheric simulation carried out with the PolluRisk platform, in the framework of a REMEDIA test campaign (Benjdir et al., 2021). As an illustration of the results obtained we observed an increased inflammatory response in cystic fibrosis mice lungs when exposed to a simulated atmospheric environment of Paris for 48h as compared to their unexposed counterparts.

The first test campaigns indicate that exposure to complex urban atmospheres simulated thanks to PolluRisk platform 1. can induce respiratory effects in compromised mice (cystic fibrosis) already after 48h-72h exposure, 2. is associated with increased risk to develop lung disease at adult age, after in utero exposure for 7 days. Overall, PolluRisk platform represents an innovative and highly relevant tool for biologists interested in addressing the complex issue of Health effects resulting from air pollution.

This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the EUROCHAMP-2020 Infrastructure Activity under grant agreement N° 730997, and for REMEDIA project under grant agreement #874753. We also thank CNRS/INSU, INSERM, Région Ile de France, Fondation du Crédit Agricole, Fondation du Souffle and UPEC.

[1] Benjdir M., E. Audureau, A. Beresniak, P. Coll, R. Epaud, …, S. Lanone, 2021, Assessing the impact of exposome on the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystc fibrosis, Environmental Epidemiology, 5 - Issue e165,
[2] Coll P., M. Cazaunau, J. Boczkowski, M. Zysman, J.F. Doussin, A. Gratien, G. Derumeaux, M. Pini, C. Di-Biagio, E. Pangui, C. Gaimoz, S. Hüe, F. Relaix, A. Der Vatanian, I. Coll, V. Michoud, P. Formenti, G. Foret, L. Thavaratnasingam, A. Amar, M. Lacavalerie, M. Mäder and S. Lanone, 2018, PolluRisk : an innovative experimental platform to investigate Health impacts of Air Quality, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 230, 557-565.