Abstracts by Don Collins

Looking Back and Forward – from the Environmental Chamber to Particle Loss Correction. CHEN LE, Qi Li, Ningjin Xu, Huawei Li, Don Collins, David Cocker, University of California, Riverside

Measurement of Secondary Aerosol Formation in Ambient Air using Portable Outdoor Chambers. XUANLIN DU, Alexander B. MacDonald, Ningjin Xu, Roya Bahreini, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside

Secondary Organic Aerosol from Gas- and Aqueous-phase Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in an Oxidation Flow Reactor. NINGJIN XU, Chen Le, Kunpeng Chen, Ying-Hsuan Lin, David R. Cocker III, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside

Secondary Particulate Matter Formed in a Flow Reactor from Gas- and Aqueous-phase Chemistry of Ambient Air in Riverside, California. NINGJIN XU, Alexander B. MacDonald, Xuanlin Du, Roya Bahreini, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside

Small Particle Growth Observations at the U.S. DOE Southern Great Plains Field Site using Ambient Air Captive Aerosol Chambers. ZIHAN ZHU, Xuanlin Du, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside

Ultrafine Aerosol Particle Formation and Impacts in Houston during TRACER. JEREMY WAKEEN, Xuanlin Du, Sam O'Donnell, Jeffrey R. Pierce, Don Collins, James Smith, University of California, Irvine

Understanding the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physicochemical Properties of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Gas- and Aqueous-phase Oxidation of Methylated Selenium Species. NINGJIN XU, Yumeng Cui, Michael Lum, Ying Zhou, Roya Bahreini, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside