Abstracts by Lee Tiszenkel

Effects of Isoprene on Biogenic New Particle Formation from Pre-Nucleation to CCN Sizes. LEE TISZENKEL, Asadullah Shoaib, Yue Zhao, Yue Zhang, Shanhu Lee, University of Alabama Huntsville

Measurements of Indoor Ammonia and Amines With a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer. LEE TISZENKEL, Shanhu Lee, University of Alabama Huntsville

Molecular Chemical Speciation of HOMs in Urban Aerosols with FIGAERO CI-APi-TOF and LC-ESI-Orbitrap High-Resolution Mass Spectrometers. LEE TISZENKEL, Asadullah Shoaib, Sameera White, Rachel Hurley, Yue Zhang, Shanhu Lee, University of Alabama Huntsville

Roles of Sufluric Acid, Ammonia, and Amines on New Particle Formation in Kent, Ohio. Buddhi Pushpawela, SHANHU LEE, Lee Tiszenkel, The University of Alabama in Huntsville