Abstracts by George Pouliot

Linking Gas, Particulate, and Toxic Endpoints to Air Emissions In The Community Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Multiphase Mechanism (CRACMM). HAVALA PYE, Bryan Place, Benjamin Murphy, Karl Seltzer, Chris Allen, Ivan Piletic, Emma D'Ambro, Rebecca Schwantes, Matthew Coggon, Sara Farrell, Emily Saunders, Lu Xu, Golam Sarwar, William Hutzell, Kristen Foley, George Pouliot, William R. Stockwell, United States Environmental Protection Agency

Predicted Impacts of Heterogeneous Chemical Pathways on Particulate Sulfur in Fairbanks, Alaska. SARA FARRELL, Havala Pye, Robert Gilliam, George Pouliot, Deanna Huff, Golam Sarwar, William Vizuete, Kathleen Fahey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill