Abstracts by Michael Lum

External Factors Modulating Vaping-Induced Thermal Degradation of Vitamin E Acetate. ALEXA CANCHOLA, Ruth Meletz, Siri Langmo, Michael Lum, Ying-Hsuan Lin, University of California, Riverside

The Chemical Fate of Sulfur in Thiophene against Nitrate Radical Oxidation. MICHAEL LUM, Kunpeng Chen, Alexander B. MacDonald, Nilofar Raeofy, Raphael Mayorga, Haofei Zhang, Roya Bahreini, Ying-Hsuan Lin, University of California, Riverside

Understanding the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physicochemical Properties of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Gas- and Aqueous-phase Oxidation of Methylated Selenium Species. NINGJIN XU, Yumeng Cui, Michael Lum, Ying Zhou, Roya Bahreini, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Don Collins, University of California, Riverside