Abstracts by Yuetong Zhang

Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Hygroscopic Coating on the Conservation of MS2 Viability during Aerosol Sampling with MCE Filters. MO WASHEEM, William Vass, Sripriya Nannu Shankar, Yuetong Zhang, Morteza Alipanah, Z. Hugh Fan, John Lednicky, Chang-Yu Wu, University of Florida

Sampling and Detection of Sars-Cov-2 Aerosol in Well and Poorly Ventilated Places and Its Exposure Risks: A Review of Field Sampling Studies. YUETONG ZHANG, Sripriya Nannu Shankar, William Vass, John Lednicky, Z. Hugh Fan, Duzgun Agdas, Chang-Yu Wu, University of Florida