Abstracts by Chongai Kuang

Aerosol Properties and Processes in the Eastern North Atlantic. JIAN WANG, Guangjie Zheng, Yang Wang, Meinrat O. Andreae, Michael Jensen, Daniel Knopf, Chongai Kuang, Alexander Laskin, Alyssa Matthews, Fan Mei, Ryan Moffet, Arthur J. Sedlacek, John Shilling, Amy P. Sullivan, Jason Tomlinson, Janek Uin, Daniel Veghte, Rodney J. Weber, Rob Wood, Maria Zawadowicz, Washington University in St. Louis

Dependence of Pulse Height Distribution on Particle Size, Composition, and Concentration for 1-7 nm Particles. DARREN CHENG, Chongai Kuang, Coty Jen, Carnegie Mellon University

Probing the Vertical Profile of New Particle Formation and Growth in the Planetary Boundary Layer Using a Column Model with Surface- and Aircraft-Based Observations. O'DONNELL SAMUEL, Ali Akherati, Charles He, Anna Hodshire, John Shilling, Chongai Kuang, Emma D'Ambro, Jerome Fast, Hubbe John, Michael Lawler, Ben H. Lee, Fan Mei, Siegfried Schobesberger, Stephen Springston, Joel A. Thornton, James Smith, Shantanu Jathar, Jeffrey R. Pierce, Colorado State University

The 3rd ARM Mobile Facility in the Southeast United States: Current Plans for Science-Driven Facility Siting, Configuration, Instrumentation, and Outreach. CHONGAI KUANG, Scott Giangrande, Shawn Serbin, Brookhaven National Laboratory