AQ Guard Smart System & MyAtmosphere a Long-term Stable Sensor Network

VOLKER ZIEGLER, Henrik Hof, Palas GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany

     Abstract Number: 387
     Working Group: Control and Mitigation Technology

New WHO recommendations (2021) are internationally facing governmental networks with new challenges like extending the network by additional measurement points, lowering the limits for PM10 and PM2.5, request for UFP (Ultrafine Particle) measurements for source appointment on higher spatial and timely resolution.

Sensor networks gain raising importance in high polluted regions where is a lack of measurement infrastructure.

AQ Guard Smart System is a compact and cloud-ready measuring instrument for determination of ambient air quality. In different configurations it provides particulate matter, gas sensors as well as UFP (Ultra Fine Particle) information with number concentration (Cn), Lung Deposit Surface Area (LDSA) and X50 mean diameter. This provides a better understanding about the particle origin.

AQ Guard Smart System is designed for outdoor air measurement in the smart city environment and received MCERTS certification as an Indicative Ambient Particulate Monitor in 2022. The request to be placed on the South Coast AQMD Rule 1466 Pre-Approved Monitor List is already submitted.

o   Measurement principles:
o   OPC: Optical light scattering with single particle detection 
o   DC: Diffusions Charging 
     - Size: 530•270•208 mm (H•W•D); Weight: 6 kg
     - Thermal drying system (IADS compact)
     - Connectivity: USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G via Modem, LoRaWAN
     - Field calibration on site possible
     - 12-month service interval
     - No container infrastructure necessary
     - Reported data:
o   OPC: PM1, PM2,5, PM4, PM10, TSP, CN, particle size distribution
o   DC: CN, average diameter X50, LDSA (Lung Deposited Surface Area)
o   Gas Sensors: SO2, CO, NO2, O3, TVOC, CO2
o   Meteo: ambient pressure, ambient temperature, rel. ambient humidity
o   Performance / uncertainty:
     - OPC: < 15 % - 20 % for PM 
     - Gas: repeatability < 2%; resolution 0.01 ppm; long-term drift < 1% / month

My Atmosphere – the platform:
MyAtmosphere together with AQ Guard Smart System provides a comprehensive cloud based solution to measure, visualize and document air quality in real time. It can be connected to all Palas Systems.

Typical Applications:
Smart City Networks; Natural Risk Areas (volcano eruptions, wildfire, dessert dust events); Construction Sites; Traffic / Road Site Monitoring; Air- & Seaports; Landfills & Open Pit Mining; Industrial Sites; Research Campaigns.