Introducing the Air Pollution Exposure in Child Care Settings (APECCS) Study: Measuring Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Child Care Centers and Residential Environments in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area

ROBY GREENWALD, Yu Jung Lin, Donghai Liang, Christina H. Fuller, Georgia State University

     Abstract Number: 478
     Working Group: Health-Related Aerosols

Background: The pathogenesis of chronic diseases related to inhalation exposures occurs in early-life; however, public health efforts to reduce this disease-burden are complicated by two research difficulties: valid assessment of environmental exposure at young ages and challenges in identifying early childhood indicators of disease. To address these concerns, the ongoing Air Pollution Exposure in Child Care Settings (APECCS) study prospectively measures air pollution exposure in children ages 3-4 years and non-invasively explores biological mechanisms of response using salivary metabolomics.

Methods: We conducted 5-week sampling campaigns at child care centers representing Atlanta-region air quality: a “distant” site not near a major highway and a “near-road” site adjacent to a 14-lane interstate as well as freight rail, transit, and large parking structures. We used stationary and handheld devices to measure PM2.5, particle number concentration, and black carbon (BC). A rotating sub-panel of participants performed residential and transportation environment measurements for 1-week periods using microsensors. We additionally collected weekly indoor and outdoor filter samples for gravimetric and elemental analysis.

Results: All measures of particle concentration are higher at the near-road site than the distant site. Indoor BC at the near-road site is higher on average than outdoor BC at the distant site. PM2.5 did not exhibit pronounced diurnality at either site. Near-road BC reflected the diurnal pattern of traffic volume punctuated by passing locomotives. High levels of at-home PM2.5 and BC were observed during meal preparation.

Conclusion: BC concentrations are influenced by nearby motor vehicle emissions. Other combustion sources such as heavy-rail locomotives were observed to have significant impact. The indoor and outdoor values of all particle measures were highly-correlated, indicating infiltration of ambient PM to indoor spaces with a contribution from indoors sources such as cooking activities. PM2.5 levels were consistent with region-wide changes in air quality influenced by meteorology.