Exploring Toxic Cyanobacteria Blooms under Current and Future Environmental Conditions in the Great Lakes

REAGAN M ERRERA, Casey Godwin, Mark Rowe, Craig Stow, Steve Ruberg, Henry Vanderploeg, Andrea Vander Woude, Gregory Doucette, Richard Stumpf, Russ Miller, Gregory Dick, Benjamin Kramer, NOAA-GLERL

     Abstract Number: 653
     Working Group: Aerosol-Ecosystem Interactions

Traditionally coastal systems have been monitored using ship-based sampling methods, which provide a discrete spatial and temporal snapshot. These discrete events often miss key environmental shifts that lead to high variability in bloom biomass and toxin concentrations (e.g. 2014 Toledo Water Crisis). Understanding and interpreting the complex interactions between biological, chemical, and physical variables in coastal systems require versatile monitoring. To enhance our observational scale, I will discuss how NOAA is developing a monitoring network in Lake Erie to study cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms using traditional methods, emerging technologies, and exploring how cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms may change based on climate impacts. Weekly monitoring at discrete sampling sites provide a bases of environmental conditions. The extent of bloom biomass and phytoplankton functional groups is determined through daily satellite and weekly hyperspectral imaging. Paired with physical observations and modeling, bloom biomass and toxin concentration movement are forecasted up to 5 days in the future. Within the water column, real-time nutrient buoys and second generation (2G) Environmental Sample Processors (ESP) provided near-real time particulate microcystin concentrations. With colleagues at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has we have tested a 3rd Generation (3G) ESP, an autonomous molecular diagnostic device capable of collecting eDNA, embedded in an uncrewed vessel with the capacity for near real-time toxin (e.g., microcystin) analysis using an embedded Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) instrument. Finally, field and lab-based experiments consider bloom initiation triggers, the role of inorganic carbon, resuspension events, cell buoyancy, and community dynamics on bloom development. This complex network of temporal and spatial environmental data then provided to the scientific community, managers, and public stakeholders to support decision making and enhance our understanding of bloom succession.