Karolina Cysneiros de Carvalho, PhD Candidate Seeking Industry/Postdoctoral Positions

KAROLINA CYSNEIROS DE CARVALHO, Washington University in St. Louis

     Abstract Number: 656
     Working Group: Meet the Job Seekers

Karol earned her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, and Missouri University of Science and Technology. She is currently a PhD candidate in Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, at the Atmospheric Chemistry and Technology (ACT) Laboratory led by Dr. Brent Williams.

As a PhD researcher, Karol developed and characterized the ACT Semi-Volatile Thermal Desorption Aerosol Gas Chromatograph (SV-TAG). She deployed the instrument during the 6-week Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) field project in the winter of 2022 in Fairbanks, Alaska. Her measurements aim to better understand aerosol phase partitioning in cold and dark conditions as well as indoor chemistry dynamics in residential homes in this environment. During her PhD, she also worked in the development of the Volatility and Polarity Separator (VAPS) and utilized this instrument to improve the knowledge about volatility distributions of secondary organic aerosols generated by the ozonolysis of different precursors. Karol has experience in operating several instruments including the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer, the Potential Aerosol Mass Oxidation Flow Reactor, and the Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer.

Karol is expected to graduate in the Spring of 2024. She is seeking either an industry or a postdoctoral research position at national laboratories or universities. Her main research interests revolve around the chemical composition and physical characterization of indoor and outdoor aerosols and the development of novel instrumentation.

Geographical preference: USA
Preferred start date: Fall 2024
Contact: karolinac@wustl.edu