Development of New Multiscale Aerosol Observing Systems for Deployment at the 3rd ARM Mobile Facility (AMF3) Bankhead National Forest (BNF) Site

ASHISH SINGH, Chongai Kuang, Andrew McMahon, Scott Smith, Tamanna Subba, Shawn Serbin, Jenni Kyrouac, Adam K Theisen, Allison McComiskey, Brookhaven National Laboratory

     Abstract Number: 672
     Working Group: Instrumentation and Methods

The DOE ARM user facility is relocating the 3rd ARM Mobile Facility (AMF3) to the Southeast United States for a five-year deployment starting in the Fall of 2023, with sites focused in the area of Bankhead National Forest (BNF) in Northern Alabama. The Southeast United States is a region characterized by high vegetative emissions of volatile organic compounds, a wide range of anthropogenic emissions from proximity to rural areas and dense urban cores, biomass burning from periodic prescribed and unplanned burning, and large amounts of secondary organic aerosol. New aerosol measurement systems are proposed for the campaign to better characterize land-surface controls on the spatial distribution of aerosol properties and processes, and to better understand the exchange of aerosols and trace gasses between the forest canopy and the atmosphere. This abstract will present the plans and progress for developing a distributed aerosol-sensing network to characterize aerosol spatial heterogeneity, and a tower-based aerosol flux system to characterize atmospheric dynamic controls on aerosol vertical transport in the AMF3 BNF domain. Both measurement systems entail platform-specific instrument considerations (e.g., physical footprint, measurement resolution, accuracy, uncertainty ), and supporting measurement infrastructure considerations (e.g., a well-characterized sampling inlet, environmental enclosure, robust remote interface for data acquisition, and system diagnostics/calibration). Specific design details corresponding to desired measurement targets, instrument selection and evaluation, and operational requirements will be presented.