Abstracts by James Brogan
Effect of Oxidant Concentration, Exposure Time and Seed Particles on Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemical Composition and Yield. ANDREW LAMBE, Puneet Chhabra, Timothy Onasch, William Brune, James Hunter, Jesse Kroll, Molly Cummings, James Brogan, Yatish Parmar, Douglas Worsnop, Charles Kolb, Paul Davidovits, Aerodyne Research, Inc.
New Optical Experiments "Shed Light" on Role of Particle Morphology and Chemical Composition in the Absorption Enhancement of Coated Soot Particles. LINDSAY RENBAUM-WOLFF, Andrew Lambe, Timothy Onasch, Andrew Freedman, Leah Williams, Taylor Helgestad, Christopher Cappa, Al Fischer, Geoff Smith, Swarup China, Claudio Mazzoleni, Arthur J. Sedlacek, Eleanor Browne, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Jesse Kroll, James Brogan, Yatish Parmar, Andrew Lee, Noopur Sharma, Janarjan Bhandari, John Jayne, Douglas Worsnop, Paul Davidovits, Boston College