Abstracts by Gourihar Kulkarni
Aging Diesel Black Carbon with SOA Coatings and Coagulation to Probe Morphology-dependent Aerosol Absorption Enhancements (Eabs). ALLISON AIKEN, Manvendra Dubey, Shang Liu, Rahul Zaveri, John Shilling, Claudio Mazzoleni, Swarup China, Noopur Sharma, Alla Zelenyuk, Jacqueline Wilson, Gourihar Kulkarni, Mikhail Pekour, Duli Chand, R. Subramanian, Los Alamos National Lab
The Effect of Particle Size, Shape, and Composition on Ice Nucleation. DAVID BELL, Jacqueline Wilson, Naruki Hiranuma, Ottmar Möhler, Harald Saathoff, Josef Beranek, Gourihar Kulkarni, Dan Imre, Alla Zelenyuk, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory