AAAR 34th Annual Conference
October 12 - October 16, 2015
Hyatt Regency
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Abstract View
Discovery of a Scaling Law and a Natural Anisotropy Shape Factor from Polarizability
MINGDONG LI, George Mulholland, Michael Zachariah, University of Maryland
Abstract Number: 235 Working Group: Aerosol Physics
Abstract We find a universal relationship between the polarizability and hydrodynamic radius. Remarkably the relationship holds for all particle shapes we have evaluated including, the torus, prolate and oblate spheroids, linear random-walk polymers and fractal aggregates. This scaling law is found to be valid for cluster- cluster and particle-cluster generated fractals, with different pre-factors and fractal dimensions. The pre-factor in the scaling law is solely determined by the particle shape, and appears to be a natural anisotropy shape factor.