Abstracts by Matti Rissanen
Highly Oxidized Multifunctional Compounds in Oxidation of Aromatics; a Step Forward in Understanding Urban SOA. OLGA GARMASH, Matti Rissanen, Oskari Kausiala, Iida Pullinen, Sebstian Schmitt, Thomas F Mentel, Astrid Kiendler-Scharr, Jürgen Wildt, Einhard Kleist, Mikko Sipilä, Markku Kulmala, Mikael Ehn, University of Helsinki
Impact of Anthropogenic Pollutants on the Formation and Fate of Highly Oxidized Multifunctional Compounds (HOMs) Formed from the Ozonolysis of alpha-pinene. MATTHIEU RIVA, Otso Peräkylä, Lauriane Quéléver, Liine Heikkinen, Olga Garmash, Mikko Äijälä, Matti Rissanen, Mikael Ehn, University of Helsinki