American Association for Aerosol Research - Abstract Submission

AAAR 35th Annual Conference
October 17 - October 21, 2016
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon, USA

Abstract View

E-cigarettes: FDA Regulation and Research

PRISCILLA CALLAHAN-LYON, FDA Center for Tobacco Products

     Abstract Number: 221
     Working Group: Electronic Cigarettes - Health Effects

Introduced into the US within the last decade, e-cigarettes, devices that in general deliver a nicotine containing aerosol to the user, raise challenging public health questions. Although the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) does not currently regulate e-cigarettes or other electronic nicotine delivery systems, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a proposed rule that would extend the agency’s tobacco authorities to regulate these products. CTP has identified e-cigarettes as a research priority as the Center is interested in understanding the impact of these increasingly prevalent and expanding products on the individual and population level health. Topics of particular interest to FDA include the short and long-term health effects associated with e-cigarette use and nonuser exposures, as well as reasons and patterns of use in current smokers (including use for cessation and dual use), former smokers and youth (including the impact of flavored products and transition to combusted products).

This presentation will provide an overview of FDA CTP regulatory authorities, including CTP’s authority to conduct research to inform tobacco product regulation to protect the public health. In addition, the presentation will discuss tobacco regulatory science, provide an overview of FDA’s currently funded e-cigarette research, and provide information about the Tobacco Regulatory Science Program, an interagency partnership that coordinates the collaborative tobacco research effort across FDA/CTP and NIH.