AAAR 35th Annual Conference October 17 - October 21, 2016 Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon, USA
Abstract View
Characterization of Time-Resolved Atmospheric Aerosol Using an Automated Raman Spectrometer and a Multi-wavelength Aethelometer
STEVEN HILL, David Doughty, Alan Wetmore, Deryck James, US Army Research Lab
Abstract Number: 511 Working Group: Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Atmosphere
Abstract An automated aerosol Raman spectrometer (ARS) was used to measure Raman spectra of atmospheric aerosol at 15 minute time resolution for several days in the Washington, DC metropolitan area of the United States. We present and discuss time-resolved results of Raman spectra with emphasis on comparing results related to black and brown carbon as indicated by the D and G peaks in the single-particle Raman spectra and by multi-wavelength light absorption as measured by an aethelometer (Magee Scientific, AE-33). The ARS used (a REBS made by Battelle) automatically samples aerosol and measures individual particle-Raman spectra from these aerosols. Relations to local and regional winds are noted.