Abstracts by Murray Johnston
Accelerated Reaction of Carbonyls in Aerosol Droplets Studied with Droplet Assisted Ionization. YAO ZHANG, Michael J. Apsokardu, Devan E. Kerecman, Murray Johnston, University of Delaware
Growth Mechanisms of Size-Selected Ammonium Sulfate Seed Particles by Monoterpene Ozonolysis. JUSTIN KRASNOMOWITZ, Michael J. Apsokardu, Devon Haugh, Michael Taylor, Murray Johnston, University of Delaware
Mechanism of Ion Formation by Droplet Assisted Ionization. MICHAEL J. APSOKARDU, Justin Krasnomowitz, Devan E. Kerecman, Yao Zhang, Shuai Jiang, Murray Johnston, University of Delaware
Online Molecular Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Using Droplet Assisted Ionization. DEVAN E. KERECMAN, Michael J. Apsokardu, Yao Zhang, Murray Johnston, University of Delaware
Temperature Effects on Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Nucleation and Growth: Initial Results from the TANGENT Study. LEE TISZENKEL, Chris Stangl, Justin Krasnomowitz, Qi Ouyang, Michael J. Apsokardu, Murray Johnston, Shanhu Lee, University of Alabama Huntsville